Friday, November 28, 2008

Your Way Inside

I don't miss you more then I thought possible
But more then I thought I would
You've become my last thought at night
With or without a pill
You always find a way inside
I've had dreams where you make a guest appearance
Ones where you have the staring role
I see your bashful smile
And your beautiful eyes
I see myself in them
One quick blink
You're gone
I wake
Search my sheets
You're nowhere within reach
Closing my eyes
I take a deep breath
Then I twist and turn until sleep finds me
It's the same old story
All the same things
You always find a way in
Then it hits me
With force like slamming into a brick wall
The one I'm working on rebuilding
The one you knocked down so easily
The place I can hide
It hits me
You're not coming back
It all melts away
I twist and turn and twist and turn and twist and turn
I'm just not a priority
You don't want me
I twist and turn and twist and turn
Eventually sleep finds me
And there you are
You've found your way inside

1 comment:

eric said...

yeah, this one hits close to home