Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Super Mario 3

I am 100% positive that Super Mario 3 is the best video game that has ever been created. Granted, I am a huge Zelda fan, but on the basis of best singular game and not series, Mario 3 is the winner. I honestly don't think I could count the amount of times that I have beat the game and it never gets old. Over the course of the last week I've went back and played every single level in the game and enjoyed every moment of it. Well, for the most part, there are always the few stages that I want to skip over, but I still play them. And I hate those freaking card stages where you have to match the parts to make the full image. I can NEVER do them. This is probably, and sadly, the highlight of my day. Oh yeah, I went to IKEA too. It took me 5 months to get a freaking lamp for my bedroom. Luckily I have all those windows. 


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