Tuesday, January 20, 2009



I'm in love with your ink
How it covers every inch of your arms
I wonder what you're hiding from
The way your hair always falls over your eyes
Always attached to your guitar
Strumming and stringing your stories
The veins in your neck explode as your words glide across my ears
It's not for me alone
But I feel every syllable
Each one a kiss
I want to heal you
I want to mirror you
Be etched on you like your ink
I want to be beautiful forever on your skin
Fading and still a part of
Spreading I'll never dissolve from you
I love the scruff on your face
You always scratch
Even right after you shave
Your arms hold me tighter then possible
You always hum in your sleep
Sometimes you sing
I can't imagine my life without you
I love your ring and the blue jewel
I love your hoodies
And pointless rhinestones
Your cowboy boots and high tops
Your ripped jeans and ratty brown leather coat
The necklaces you rarely take off
And watching you eat
I love your ink
How it's etched to your soul
I want to cling onto you forever
And I can't imagine myself anymore without you
Your strumming emerges in my dreams and keeps me comfort in your absence
It makes me cry and makes me feel nothing
I wonder what your hiding from
Your hair falling over your eyes
And the veins in your neck exploding

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