Thursday, January 8, 2009

Favorite Post from 2008

So... I was trying to think of some clever way to talk about 2008 and everything it meant to me. I was thinking about making some huge resolution and sticking to it; telling a story from how in 8th grade a refused to make a resolution and got in an argument with one of my teacher; or making a list of everything that happened to me that I'm thankful did (mostly because for good or bad I grew from it).

Then I thought, "fuck it". I went back and re-read everything on my blog. And the post below sticks with me the most. I think mainly because I have a dark sense of humor and it makes me laugh. So to commemorate 2008 I am simply re-posting me favorite blog. If you haven't read it before, enjoy. If you have, suck it up and enjoy it again.

And Vomiting

"Sometimes I get so depressed that I can't get out of bed. I can't sleep, so I just twist and turn and think about everything in my life that sucks. I try to count sheep, but I can't focus on something so dull and stupid. I will hardly eat or sleep for days, and go get drunk to try and feel better. I always get sick and vomit my life out. Sometimes I stare at my puke and think about how lucky it is to have been able to get away from me."

Happy 2009 everyone. I hope it doesn't suck as much as 2008. ;-)


Anonymous said...

LOL! I have to agree. This one is brilliant.

Gymbuff said...

Wow, that's intense! I'm sorry u feel that way.