Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Blog,

In an effort to keep this blog separate from the new ideas I have, I have started a new one. And yes, it is all about sex. This blog will still be housing my poetry, pictures, paintings, blah blah. But feel free to check out the other as well.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

omgggggg obsesssssssseddddd

Thomas Whitfield said...

clearlyyyyy thissss issss nateeee

Anonymous said...

Two blogs?! That's a little self-indulgent. What's next? Blogging about your bowel movements: I refuse to multitask, so I'm going to have to pick one. God! It's like Sophie's Choice. How can I possibly choose? I'm going to stick with the sex blog as it's bound to be more interesting than your emo musings on this one. LOL! Jk