Saturday, June 19, 2010


It's been a really long time since I've posted any sort of lyrical ramblings. With recent things that have been happening in my life it was this morning on my walk home that I had this flow of words come out of myself. I like the term "rambling", so maybe that's a perfect title for this.


Talking to you is emotional masterbation
Everything that comes out of your mouth I find beautiful
Even when you say how you never want to fall in love again
And how that includes with me.

If we weren't both so tortured
And really only by ourselves
Makes me wonder
Would we really conect so well?

I told you I missed you
You didn't say you missed me back
You said you had to find happiness in being alone
That way it wasn't dependent on anyone else and no one could take it from you.

I knew exactly what you meant.

I want to find that light in me as well.

Of course we had sex
You can't have a conversation like that and not feel like you want to be one for a bit,
Atleast that's how the moment happened to me.

I wonder what moments have existed to you that live in me so vividly?

It wasn't until you didn't want me to hold you after that I truely knew none of this had to do with me.

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